Dear Church Family -
Talk about an understatement!
Last Thursday, a federal judge ruled against a Biden administration attempt to redefine sex. Early last year, the Department of Education declared that “sex” in the Title IX law, which was originally a law to protect women’s rights, included “gender identity.” This redefinition would make it easier for men to play women’s sports, and harder for schools to protect women’s spaces.
The ruling judge said the attempted redefinition of sex was unconstitutional and actually contradicted the intent of Title IX. But what really caught my attention was that the judge said the attempted redefinition “exceeded the Department of Education’s authority.”
Talk about an understatement! Biological sex is God’s department, not the government’s.
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Gen 1:27)
“You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.” (Psalm 139:13)
The quickest path to joy and fulfillment in life is accepting God’s design for your life as good and right and perfect.
This coming Sunday morning we’ll be receiving nominations for Church Elder. The following Sunday we will be voting after the morning service. You can submit nominations to the church office via note or email. Or give them to Ryan Entz or any current elder.
We hope you’ll pray much about the selection of the next elder. The office of elder is one of the most important in the church. The elders work closely with the pastor to care for the spiritual life and ministry of our church.
At our annual church meeting a week ago, the decision was made to form a search committee to look for an Associate Pastor for our church. Beginning this process has reminded me how much I love our church and I’m thankful for our strengths and blessings. Thanks for being a part of Bible, Family, and Missions at Emmaus Church!
See you Sunday – Pastor Tim