Dear Church Family –
Thanks for another wonderful Thanksgiving Day service sharing your testimonies of gratitude to God. I was reminded of how thankful I am for the Emmaus Church family. I’m thankful for…
People who understand the importance of daily personal devotions and family devotions.
Dads who lead their families in the Word and church involvement and joyful, godly living.
People who give generously to world missions.
God calling people from our church into fulltime missions.
Lots of joyful smiles and encouraging spirits when we meet on Sundays.
Many of you who are involved in ministries in the church and in the community.
People who love one another and accept one another and care for one another.
Because Thanksgiving celebrations often involve family gatherings, I’ve been thinking and reading the last couple of days about healthy family gatherings. I think God has given us a picture of healthy family gatherings. That picture is the church. It’s a gathering that…
Is multi-generational
Honors elders
Nurtures children
Welcomes neighbors
Shows love and acceptance for each person regardless of differences in interests, opinions, and life-situations.
Is dedicated to Christ and following Him.
Thanks for being that church and those kinds of families. We're looking forward to this coming Sunday when Tom Dorsch will be bringing us a message from God’s Word. See you then! – Pastor Tim