Dear Church Family –
Today is Sanctity of Human Life Day. It is also the second full day of a new presidency.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States legalized abortion in all 50 states. Since then, January 22nd has been marked as Sanctity of Human Life Day. Since ’73, the battle for life has been waged in court rooms, and state legislatures, and on sidewalks in front of abortion clinics. In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 decision. And now, the battle for life has shifted to a new enemy—apathy.
Let’s pray today...
· for mothers considering abortion;
· for pregnancy care centers helping mothers keep their babies and find the care and support they need;
· for cultural awareness that life is precious, and given by God;
· for cultural awareness that abortion is not the answer to the problems we seek relief from;
· for our new President, and the highest offices of our nation, to stand for life.
We have much to be thankful for and hopeful about. President Trump comes to the office with great promise and great support of the American people. But he will need our prayers. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Monday, just a few minutes before President Trump was sworn in, Franklin Graham was on the program to pray for the incoming president. Here’s part of the text of his prayer. It’s a good guideline for our prayers for President Trump.
“Our Father and our God, thou hast said ‘blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,’
As the prophet Daniel prayed, ‘Blessed be the Name of God forever and ever. For wisdom and might are His. He changes the times and the seasons. He removes kings. He raises up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.’
We pray for President Trump, that You’ll watch over, protect, guide, and direct him. Give him Your wisdom from Your throne on high. We ask that You would bless him and that our nation would be blessed through him.
The prophet Samuel reminded the people, it was You that brought them up from the land of Egypt. And he said, ‘Now stand still that I may reason with you before the Lord.’ So, Father, we take this moment to stand still. To remember the great things You have done for this nation,”
Thank You for the protection, the bounty, the freedoms that we so enjoy. We remember to keep our eyes fixed on You.” And may our hearts be inclined to Your voice. We know that American can never be great again if we turn our backs on You.
We ask for Your help.
And we pray all this in the name of the King of kings and Lord of lords, Your Son, my Savior, and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Thanks for praying, thanks for loving righteousness and hating wickedness, thanks for being salt and light for Christ. You’re a source of joy and hope! – Pastor Tim
Franklin Graham's prayer was wrought with politics of the worst kind. The next day Bishop Budde simply asked for mercy and Trump attacked her. There's something wrong with Trump and those who supported him. Lord have mercy.